'98 - '99 Varsity Ice Hockey
Team Roster
Game Summaries
Visit the '04 - '05 Seton Hall Prep
Varsity Ice Hockey Web Page
Visit the '03 - '04 Seton Hall Prep
Varsity Ice Hockey Web Page
Visit the '02 - '03 Seton Hall Prep
Varsity Ice Hockey Web Page
Visit the '01 - '02 Seton Hall Prep
Varsity Ice Hockey Web Page
Visit the '00 - '01 Seton Hall Prep
Varsity Ice Hockey Web Page
Visit the '99 - '00 Seton Hall Prep
Varsity Ice Hockey Web Page
Visit the '97 - '98 Seton Hall Prep
Varsity Ice Hockey Web Page
Visit the '96 - '97 Seton Hall Prep
Varsity Ice Hockey Web Page
Seton Hall Prep is back for another explosive
season of ice hockey, high school style. The team said
goodbye to last year's seniors, and hello to a new
batch of freshmen. Seton Hall Prep ice hockey is still
strong, and the team is looking to go all the way
again. They have a state championship to retain.
Please excuse the lack of information on this year's
web page. I graduated from the Prep last year and I am
now in college. Therefore, I cannot keep up with all
the news, but I will put as much information on this
web page as I possibly can.
Copyright 1999 by Bob Dupuis
Any comments, questions, suggestions? Email me
Last Updated: 11 June 1999